Why Vinyl is Back - In Force-Vinyl Revival

Why Vinyl is Back In Force

  If we take ourselves back 30 years the talk of the town was CD and digital and apart from a few dedicated stalwarts vinyl records were a thing of the past and had served their time in history. People...

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Does my record player come with speakers? -Vinyl Revival

Does my record player come with speakers? 

Does my record player come with speakers? The simple answer is no, no it doesn’t. Read about what to expect and what not too...

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Important Reasons Why Turntables Vary In Price-Vinyl Revival

What Are The Differences Between a Cheap and Expensive Turntable?

There are very important reasons why turntables vary in price. They vary from the quality of the design, the build quality of their components, the materials of which they are made, and the engineering expertise that has been incorporated into...

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What the Hell is a Phono Pre Amplifier - Part I-Vinyl Revival

What is a Phono Pre Amplifier?

A phono preamplifier is only necessary for phono audio signals, i.e. Turntables. The difference between an analogue audio signal and a digital one is strength. We’re talking line levels. This is why the inputs on the back of your amplifier...

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The Fully Automatic Record Player-Vinyl Revival

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Can I play my records though Sonos?-Vinyl Revival

Can I play my records though Sonos?

In a word, yes. You absolutely can play records through your Sonos system. It’s why we both support and love the work that Sonos are doing. Founded in 2002, the US-born company set out to conquer the digital music market.

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Vinyl vs. CD - Is Analogue The Way?-Vinyl Revival

Vinyl vs. CD - Is Analogue The Way?

There has always been talk amongst hi-fi circles about how vinyl sounds superior to CD. There is a story I read recently about a teenager who was saying to her mother that all her friends had been getting record players and that...

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Why You Must Look After Your Vinyl-Vinyl Revival

Should You Really Clean Your Vinyl Records?

Short answer, yes. Whilst vinyl is relatively robust, it has several things that you must be mindful of in order to maintain it's amazing ability to reproduce music in an atmospheric way. Many don't realise that dust particles are uncannily...

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How Do Vinyl records Work-Vinyl Revival

How Do Vinyl Records Work?

To understand how vinyl records work is to understand a very complex analogue process that was refined over years to provide us with a very special experience of enjoying music in our homes as it was intended by the recording...

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